Become a member of Algester Sports Club
and be rewarded!
Membership is affordable, beginning at just $4 for the entire year, and includes a variety of benefits such as:
– Member discounts on all food and beverages at the Bar, E-Street Bistro, and Café
– Opportunities to earn and redeem rewards points
– Access to exclusive members only promotions
– Unique member promotions and additional perks
– Free live entertainment
– Fantastic birthday rewards and draws
– Weekly Membership Draws with cash prizes to be won
– Daily game for a chance to earn bonus points!
– And so much more to enjoy!
Plus, the more you use your membership card, the more rewards you receive. Simply swipe your card at the Members’ Kiosk, insert your card in the gaming machines or present your card to staff when making a purchase. To become a member of Algester Sports Club visit our friendly staff at Reception. See club for terms and conditions. Our friendly Reception team will be more than happy to assist.
In order to be allowed entry into Algester Sports Club, patrons must be following these regulations:
- Shoes MUST be worn at all times, including children.
- Patrons are restricted from wearing headwear inside the Club. (Unless for medical or religious reasons)
- Swimwear is not permitted.
- Muscle shirts and singlets will not be permitted.
- Workwear will not be permitted after 7pm.
- No torn or dirty clothing.
- Steel cap shoes will not be permitted at any time.
- Any clothing with obscene slogans or pictures will not be permitted.
- Any clothing or item of jewellery that in is direct violation with the Liquor Act 1992 “Declared Criminal Organisation” will not be permitted.
- Management will have the final decision in all matters relating to the Dress Regulations and Entry to the premises.
Algester Sports Club is a proud supporter of our local community. We support a variety of local schools, sporting groups, individuals and not-for-profit organisations with cash donations, in kind support and the use of our function room and other facilities at no charge.
If you are a local school, sporting group or not-for-profit organisation and would like to apply for sponsorship, donations or use of our facilities, please forward your request to the Board of Directions C/O the Club Manager. We receive numerous requests each year so opportunities are limited.